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The Call from the Deep

I held up my boarding pass and walked through the gate. My wife, Harper, was right ahead of me, and we both were so loaded with bags and suitcases that we could barely fit between the doorways. Our 10th anniversary was in a couple of days. We both had come into agreement that there was no better way to celebrate than to go on an all-expense-paid cruise to Hawaii.
As we made it up to the deck, we marveled at all the entertainment. There was a band playing to greet us. Pools, water slides, mini-golf, a drive-in sized screen that was displaying boarding information, bars, and restaurants, and that was just what we could see while walking in! This was definitely the right choice for our anniversary vacation. I couldn’t wait to get these bags unloaded and start to enjoy ourselves.
We went into the doors that led to the cabins. There was another beautiful bar down below us. There was a sports bar to the left showing the games on different screens and a small library to our right. Before we made it to the cabins, there was a coffee bar that served specialty coffees and desserts. If religion has it right, I hope that heaven is something like this. You couldn’t walk through a door anywhere without finding something exciting.
Once we made it to our cabin, we dropped all our bags and looked at each other with stars in our eyes. I pulled my wife close for a kiss and then kept my arms around her. I asked eagerly about how we should begin.
“Well, what should we do first? The casino? The arcade?”
She smirked before replying.
“Such a man, don’t forget about the fine dining at 6, followed by the show at the Theatre.”
I drew back and acted faux offended.
“Are you insinuating that I have no culture? I made our reservations before we even boarded, don’t worry. Dinner isn’t for a long time though, how about we go get some of those tacos and a coffee to get ourselves going.”
“Now you’re speaking my language.” She replied with a grin.
“Let’s unpack later. I am starving, and I think that coffee bar right there makes caramel macchiatos.”
Her eyes lit up yet again as I grabbed her hand, and we rushed towards the door. The coffee bar did have macchiatos, which I got with an extra shot of espresso. She ordered a frozen drink that was more sweetness than coffee, and we made our way back onto the deck where the tacos awaited.
The weather was beautiful. It was Fall time, and the sun was just warm enough to be inviting, accompanied by the blissful breeze that blew along the top of the deck. As we drew near to Tito’s Taco Shop, we heard the captain coming through the loudspeakers announcing takeoff. He reminded us about the mandatory safety meeting in a couple of hours and then wished us to have a great time aboard the ship.
It was still strange to be in large groups of people without wearing a mask. The pandemic was finally eradicated once the vaccines were distributed. The cruise and tourism industries were hit hard, as were many others. It seemed that people were at last willing to come back out again, and there was no shortage of cruise-goers ready for a trip to the islands.
I had my phone out and was looking up things to do in Honolulu for the days that we were in port. Scuba diving was a must. I had heard that sometimes you could see sharks or even hold an octopus on your hand if you got lucky enough. I wanted to do some hiking near the volcanoes if we had time. All the spam was going to be strange, but as much as they cook with it, I bet they were able to make it taste like a delicacy.
They were in the process of building a new aquarium. It looked like it was going to be a huge one. Sadly, it did not look like it would be done in time for us to check it out. The black sands beach looked incredible, though. Instead of sand, it said that the whole beach was covered in smooth black lava rocks. We would definitely have to make a stop there.
“Ethan! Do you want salsa on your tacos? Chicken or steak?”
I put my phone away and looked at the meats before responding and did so to the guy who was making them as he finished up my wife’s two glorious looking tacos.
“I’ll take one of both with some of that green salsa. Thank you!”
All the free tacos that you could eat, why couldn’t life always be like that?
“Let’s sit over there by the side, so we can watch the takeoff,” Harper said, before taking a big sip of her frozen coffee.
We took a seat and took in the last sight of land that we would see for about 4 days. Once we arrived, we would tour the different islands, stopping at each port and having a day to explore. There were some people on land waving towards the ship. We joined many others who were near the side waving back. I couldn’t help but feel bad for all of those poor people stuck on the land.
“Bon Voyage to us, I guess.”
I held up my coffee for a cheers, and Harper returned the gesture. Her face was glowing. I couldn’t remember seeing her so happy since the day of our wedding.
“This is really going to be a nice break from reality.” She said as she picked up her taco to take her first bite.
“Yeah, it will. Nothing like this in the world.”
We took our time, enjoying each bite as our view of the coastline became a thing of the past. When we were finished, we looked into each other’s eyes. I reached across the table to hold her hand. She sounded a bit anxious as she spoke.
“It is a lot to take in, isn’t it? There is so much to do that I’m afraid of missing out on something. Where should we go first?”
I squeezed her hand and spoke in a reassuring tone.
“We have plenty of time to take it all in. Let’s just make sure to relax and do whatever makes us happy. It will all work itself out.”
Once we had our fill of gazing into the ocean, we decided that we would head back to the room and get unpacked, while we waited for the safety orientation. The time flew by, and before we knew it, they were calling our section over the loudspeaker.
We arrived with all the other passengers and waited for a moment until the crew member made it so we could begin. They gave us the spiel about the life jackets. They explained how the evacuation process works in case of a problem and let us hear a sample of the siren that would be played if there was an emergency.
I was zoning out and staring out of the window. We were near the bottom of the ship, and you could see the water moving beside us. It put me in a bit of a trance, and I kind of lost myself in it for a moment. I was snapped out of it when I saw something I couldn’t quite comprehend.
It happened pretty fast, and most of the people were looking at the crew member as he spoke. I could have been mistaking, but It looked like a giant tentacle had moved by the window and curled out of sight.
I looked around to see if anyone else had seen what I thought I just saw. There was a teenaged boy who looked excited and shocked. He was tugging at his father’s sleeve and explaining something to him. He seemed to brush him off and looked frustrated at the interruption. Everyone else was paying attention to the speech and had apparently not seen a thing.
Harper noticed how shaken I was and asked me quietly if everything was alright. I shook it off and said I would tell her about it later. We sat through the rest of the orientation. Nothing else went by the window, other than the waves being made by the ship.
As we arrived back on the deck, we were grabbing a drink from the tiki-themed bar. Harper chose one of those blue drinks with the little umbrella on top. After what I had seen, I opted for a straight glass of their best scotch. I had explained my story to her, and she was busy trying to figure out what it could have been that I saw.
“So, you’re sure it was all the way up by the window? Even at that lower level, that must be pretty high up from the water. Maybe it was something that crawled up the side, and it just seemed like it was larger because of forced-perspective?”
I took a big sip of my scotch and shook my head in confusion.
“Yeah, I mean, maybe. I really don’t know.”
She looked as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she shot back a smart remark.
“You’ve been reading a bunch of that H. P. Lovecraft stuff again, haven’t you? I’m sure it wasn’t Cthulhu if that’s what you are thinking.”
I laughed and felt my tension release.
“No, it’s not that. I just thought it was weird, that’s all. Enough about that, let’s figure out what we’re going to do until the formal dinner and play tonight.”
She responded with a grin.
“I seem to remember someone mentioning the arcade and the casino.”
I must have looked like a kid on Christmas morning because she burst out laughing. We finished our drinks and made our way past the large screen that was now cycling through reminders of all the different events that you could attend. Night club, comedy club, it seemed like there was no end to the number of things you could do on this ship.
We walked through the casino that was already bustling with cruise-goers. It looked like a good time. They even had versions of those toy cranes that were set up to pick up huge wads of cash. That might be the next stop, but I had my eyes set on the zombie shooter game with two green guns. The arcade was right past the casino and was full of all kinds of games to keep us entertained.
Not as many people were eager to jump straight for the arcade apparently. Harper and I had the whole place to ourselves. I went to the coin machine to get out some tokens. There was a door that read “Staff Only” right by the machine. I heard a loud slamming noise that caught my attention, even over the music that was playing in the arcade. I leaned in a little and heard a heated conversation on the other side.
“This is so fucked up. I can’t believe that they got loose. They need to tell all of the people!”
“Can you imagine the chaos that would cause? I get where you are coming from, trust me. It’s better this way, though.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right… People would be going crazy.”
The door opened, and I jumped as I was still leaning in to eavesdrop. This must have been apparent to the two kids who walked out because they looked a bit frightened and then hurried right past me. I grabbed the tokens out of the machine and walked over to the machine where my wife was waiting.
“You look like you just saw a ghost or something. Don’t tell me some fish people are walking around on board now.”
I couldn’t even fake a laugh or smile. I explained what I had just heard as I put the coins into the machine and started up the game. She did not seem concerned about the new development.
“They could have been talking about a mechanical issue or something. Try not to worry too much. We deserve to have the time of our lives on this trip. I don’t want you to start to obsess on this and lose sight of why we are here.”
I shrugged at this and answered in a resigned tone.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Worrying isn’t going to fix anything anyway. Could you please start taking out some of these zombies, though? I’m carrying the whole game over here. You have a power-up to use, hit the red button.”
She smacked me with the gun for talking trash, but the mood felt much lighter after that. Before long, we grew tired of the arcade and decided to play a few games at the casino. I have never been the best card player, and she was no better than me. This being the case, we opted for the giant money claw machine.
I swear that both of us grabbed a stack a handful of times each. The claw would never hold its grip, though. Feeling more than a little bit scammed, we decided to blow a bit of time at the slots until we had to go get ready for dinner. As soon as we sat down, the person who went on the money claw right behind us exclaimed loudly as the machine lit up and started to make a loud ringing noise. I looked over to Harper and gestured towards him.
“That seems about right, huh? We pump fifty dollars into that thing, and he walks away with a jackpot after one.”
“Such is life.” She responded as she pumped some tokens into the slot machine.
I couldn’t help but hear two guys on some machines behind us, as they were beginning to get a bit rowdy with each other.
“You tryin’ to say I don’t know what I saw man?”
His friend responded quickly.
“No, no, no, man. I’m not trying to say you’re seeing things or whatever else. I’m just saying that it’s crazy. There is no way it can be right!”
After this, the first man shot up out of his seat, knocking over his stool as he did. This caused quite the scene, and many people were starting to gaze in the direction now.
“Yeah, that’s alright. You think whatever the hell you want. I’m gonna go find someone to talk to about it right now!”
He stormed off, leaving his friend looking a bit shell-shocked and embarrassed. Harper looked toward me, and as if reading her mind, I pushed my seat back away from the machine.
“Yeah, let’s get out of here. We need to get ready for dinner.”
She raised her eyebrows in surprise at what we had just witnessed and responded.
“Sounds good to me. I haven’t won anything anyway. Let’s go.”
I looked back towards the guy’s friend, who he left standing there. After considering it for a moment, I leaned in towards my wife.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you in just a second.”
She looked a bit frustrated but did not fight it.
“Hurry up, I want to make sure we get a good seat. It’s going to take us a while to get ready.”
She kissed me on the cheek and took off towards the deck, which led over towards the cabins. I walked up towards the man who was about to walk off before I caught his attention.
“Excuse me, sir? I overheard you and your friend. What was it that he thinks he saw?”
He looked at me warily. It was clear that he really didn’t want to discuss the matter.
“Look, he’s usually not like that, you know? I don’t know what’s gotten into him, honestly.”
I shook my head. He obviously didn’t understand why I was asking.
“No, I saw something strange as well. I’m not trying to say your friend is going crazy at all. I was just wondering what it is that he was saying he saw.”
This seemed to unnerve him more than help calm his nerves. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening in.
“Man, he was saying that he saw a giant fucking octopus, bro. Like, 30 feet long or so is how he was describing it. It’s ridiculous, there is no way they would allow something like that on one of these ships.”
My heart dropped all the way to my feet. I covered my mouth, and I think he could tell by my reaction that what he said had rocked me to the core. I stammered and managed a weak reply as horror rushed through my body.
“I..I… On the boat??”
He nodded and looked at me with the same type of concern he had been showing to his friend. My face must have been as white as a sheet at this point.
I took off out of the door, in a huge rush to catch up with Harper. I was looking around in a panic, my heart racing and ready to beat right out of my chest. I was about to just take off to the room when I heard Harper’s voice.
“Ethan! Over here, I grabbed some hot tea.”
I saw her over by the edge of the deck, waving me over. I ran up to her and could hardly focus.
“I thought you needed something to help you relax, and it looks like I was right. What are you freaking out about right now?”
I tried to collect my thoughts and was going to respond when she pointed behind me and cut me off.
“Hey, isn’t that the guy that was just going nuts in the casino?”
I turned around, and the man was being dragged towards a door that was marked “Employees Only”. Two larger deckhands were pulling him that way, each with a tight grip on one of his arms. He was fighting hard to try and break their hold and calling out for help. As they made it through the door with the man, I grabbed Harper by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.
“We have to go. Let’s get to the room, I don’t want to explain out here.”
She nodded, and we made our way towards the cabins. Once we were in our own cabin, she put down the hot teas on our dresser and walked right up to me with an exasperated look on her face.
“Babe, what in the heck is going on right now? This isn’t about the freaking tentacle that you saw out the window, is it?”
I looked shiftily around the room and towards our view of the ocean.
“Yes… I mean, no… Well, not really, anyway.”
“You have got to calm down. Just take a deep breath and explain.”
I did as she suggested and took a long deep breath to collect my thoughts. I told her about what the guy’s friend had said back at the casino. She made the connection between this and the man being dragged off the deck against his will. I also explained what I heard from the crew members when we were at the arcade. I could tell she was beginning to take what I was saying seriously.
I looked off into a corner as I made a connection. It seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, but it was the only thing I could think of. I know that she wouldn’t judge me at this point if it sounded a bit outlandish. After thinking it over for a moment, I decided to tell her what I was thinking.
“When I was looking for things to do in Honolulu earlier, there was an advertisement for a new aquarium that was coming soon. One of the main attractions was that they were going to have a bunch of Giant Pacific Octopi.
I didn’t think about it until now, but what if that is what is on this ship? Let me google it really quick, I had never heard of that type of octopus, so I didn’t think much of it.”
I got the search pulled up and nodded in a cold understanding before continuing.
“This is exactly what that guy was describing. I don’t know why they would use a cruise ship to deliver something like that. It’s the only thing that makes any sense right now, though.”
Harper was looking at the google search thoughtfully and responded.
“I mean, I guess that these were two of the hardest-hit economies during the pandemic, tourism, and cruise ships. It makes some kind of twisted sense that they would come together to try and help each other out. Octopi are known to be very mischievous, even when they aren’t the size of a freaking semi-trailer.”
She made a good point. Nothing had really made sense for a few years now with how crazy the world had been. This made as much sense as anything else when it was put into perspective. I just shook my head in amazement and looked towards her.
“Well, what do we do from here?”
“I know this is crazy, but I’m sure they will have a handle on those things. They would not have arranged to have them on board and not prepared for the possibility that they could escape.
I say we get ready and go to dinner as we had planned. We don’t want to spend our whole 10th-anniversary cruise holed-up in the cabin. Even if all this crazy guesswork is correct, and that is what the guy from the casino saw, I’m sure that they have everything under control.”
I pressed my fingers against my eyes and tried to wrap my mind around everything. I may have been scared out of my mind, but she was right. Our best bet was to hope that it was all under control and at least try to enjoy our time on the ship. This was not going to happen again anytime soon, if ever.
“Yeah. Let’s do that, I agree. Let’s just get dressed and try to have a good time. I’m sure if it was too bad, everyone would be on lockdown or something.”
She brightened up a bit with my saying this. We both went into our luggage and began to start the process of getting changed into our formal dining attire. Before long, I was tying the knot in my tie, and she was putting the final touches on her hair. I walked up behind her in the mirror and held her by the shoulders.
“You look incredible. Let’s go and have the time of our lives.”
She gave me a big smile, and I pulled her in for a kiss. I backed up and held out my arm towards her. As she grabbed onto it, we made our way for the door.
The formal dining room was the most luxurious area on the ship by far. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There were large wine racks along many of the walls, and the entire dining room was walled in by the most beautiful windows that I had ever seen. There was an ornate window on the ceiling as well. It was just beginning to get dark, and I was sure that soon we would be able to see the stars all across the sky.
The waiter walked up and asked what we would like to drink. He was dressed in a black vest with a bow tie and a white shirt. I told him that we would take a bottle of wine that he recommended. I also asked him to give me a recommendation for my meal. Once Harper heard his suggestion of parmesan encrusted lamb with asparagus, she decided that she would follow suit.
He brought out some bread with olive oil as a complimentary appetizer to go with our wine. As he poured our first glasses and set the bottle down, I grabbed my glass of wine and held it up toward my beautiful wife. She looked every bit as lovely as the day of our wedding, and I was flooded with a flurry of emotions as I said my toast.
“Here is to 10 amazing years. Every one of them has been an adventure, and I look forward to every year that I’ll be lucky enough to spend with you as we continue that adventure.”
She smiled and blushed ever so slightly as she reached her glass to clink off of mine. We both took a sip, and she responded in a relieved manner.
“That’s the spirit, it is starting to actually feel like a relaxing vacation.”
“Hey, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s so nice to have a break from work, housework, and all the monotony of the day-to-day. We make a pretty good team through all of that drudgery, though. Don’t you think?”
Suddenly, I saw the smile get wiped from her face. The look that crept onto her face was one of sheer terror. Her glass of wine had been in her hand. When her face went from delight to horror, she tossed it on the ground with a crash. A scream came from deep within her, which was blood-curdling and intimated that absolute ruin was imminent.
I turned toward the spot that she was staring at. I understood all at once the doom that awaited all of us in the dining room. A giant octopus came crashing through the windows near the entrance where we all had arrived, knocking over the many racks of wine as it came and turning the floor as red as blood. Seemingly at the same time, another came from the side closest to the ocean and blocked the only other way out of the dining room into the kitchen.
I grabbed Harper’s arm, and we ran toward the corner as far from the beasts as we could manage. It was pandemonium as the whole dining room erupted into turmoil. I flipped a circle table up against the corner so that Harper and I could try to hide behind it for protection.
I saw one man who ran as fast as he could towards a small opening next to the octopus, who was blocking the main entrance. The creature reached a giant tentacle out for him and pulled him into his beak. There were shrieking howls of pain, unlike anything I have ever heard as blood sprayed out from underneath.
A couple of people were able to dart around as the octopus was distracted. Another unfortunate lady was grabbed by one of the spare tentacles, though. He squeezed her around the throat, and we had to watch as her face turned purple. Eventually, the life was squeezed right from her body.
I held Harper tight as she was sobbing like mad and unable to stop her body from shaking. We saw an opening. The one by the front entrance went toward a group of people on the opposite side of the room. As soon as it did, we bolted for the door. As we drew near, another octopus came crashing through the window on the ceiling, crushing a few unfortunate souls as it joined in the massacre. We kept running until we were well onto the deck.
The chaos did not stop in the dining room. People were running like mad all over the deck. I didn’t know where we would be safe, but I thought that maybe we could lock ourselves in our cabin until we could be rescued from this madness. It was a nice thought, but as we went for the doors, another one of those damn things came down to block our way.
We ran for the area in front of the drive-in style screen where Re-Animator was playing. A man was gibbering to himself in a wild manner and hiding behind a chair. As we drew near, I noticed a tear in the screen as another one came through and snatched the man up as he yelled out for help.
Our options for safety were becoming extremely limited. We ran for the bar where we jumped over the top and hid with a large group of people, peaking over to watch it all unfold. That was when we saw what I knew would be the end of us all. There was an army of them descending upon us. I held Harper tight as we waited on the inevitable.
I watched as a family of three were huddling together in the middle of the deck. They were almost surrounded, but the father pushed the mother and child toward an opening so that they could make it to safety with the rest of us. He let out a guttural cry as they ripped him to shreds. His little girl cried in a high-pitched squeal reaching for him until the mother grabbed her and ran towards us.
The mother was getting close when one of the monstrous creatures came hurtling behind her. As she noticed, she reached out with her daughter. I leaned out over the bar and grabbed onto her as the octopus reached the mother and held her tightly. I was pulling my hardest as the mother was holding on tight, and I hoped that they both might be saved.
I was punching and pulling at the tentacles and doing my best to cause him to let the mother go. She released her daughter, and the others brought her down behind the bar. I wouldn’t let go of her mother’s arms as she cried out in distress.
That was when I heard it. It was the deepest and most powerful sound that I have ever heard. It shook the ship violently. The bottles of liquor and glasses were falling all around us. It was hard to describe the immense strength and power that the sound exhibited all around us. When the sound came, though, something strange began to happen.
The octopus that held the child’s mother released her, and we pulled her behind the bar with us quickly. She fell to her daughter and clutched her tightly as they wept in each other’s arms. All of the creatures began to release the people that they were attacking. They were moving in unison towards the edges of the ship. They crawled over the side, and one by one, they made their way into the ocean.
Once all the monsters had left the ship, the people made their way slowly to the side to see what was happening. For some reason, they were all leaving. As quickly as they had descended upon us, they left us. It appeared to be almost in a synchronized manner. They all were swimming in the same direction, and we watched in disbelief. Nobody aboard this ship would ever be the same if they made it out alive, but many of us were saved by what could only be described as a call. A call that came from something massive, much larger than the creatures that had plagued us. It was a call that came from deep within the ocean and was more monstrous than anything that we could have ever imagined.
submitted by MadnessMultiplier to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2020 r/baseball Power Rankings -- Week 4: Top 10 Has New NL West Members, Flying Fish Soar, Blue Jays Plummet, Houston We Have a Problem but Phoenix and DC, Too

Hey Sportsfans — it's time for Week 4 of baseball's 2020 Power Rankings — Four weeks into the season and we've learned a lot: some teams win, some teams lose, and some don't play baseball at all. We solider on, trying to make sense of a season best described as 'baseball as viewed by a drunk Jake Peavy through a broken kaleidoscope'.
You may notice the Cardinals are being treated differently this week.
There was one tie this week between the #22 and #23 teams -- our 2nd tiebreaker, run differential, was used to break. Difference of just two runs!
Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are these:
"To an extent determined individually, you must take into account how strong a team is right now and likely to be going forward. You must, to some degree, give weight to the events and games of the previous week."
The auxiliary post with added data / fun can be seen here.
TRANSPARENCY: this link will show you who voted each team where and has added neat statistics!
If something is a little messed up, feel free to pester me let me know.
Total Votes: 29 of 30. So close.
# Team Δ Comment Record
1 Dodgers +1 Ohhhhh Mooookieeee, when you caaame and you gaaave without taaakinnnng, and I need ya today ohhhh Mookie. I am in love. Hell, even AJ Pollock did the impossible, and won me over despite his 0 for everything playoffs last year. Now if only Cody could find himself... Here's the scary part: The Dodgers are rolling and they are nowhere near playing at their ceiling. If you can't beat this team while its firing on half its cylinders, how the hell do you beat them when they're firing on all of them? 11-5
2 Yankees -1 Bit of a rough week for the Yankees, but the bats are still alive and well against pitchers I've never heard of. Everyone knows Judge leads the league in HR, but did you know DJ leads the league in Singles? Great to see him having a bit of a repeat from last season's performance. Additionally, Britton and Green have been fantastic out of the pen, and Chapman is going to be back at some point. 10-6
3 Athletics +4 Mon. had a ten run W vs. the M's. Next was TEX- Piscotty hit the 2nd walk-off GS of our year then we finished a quick sweep. The HOU series opener was cursed- we had 15 LOBs, left a runner on 3rd with 0/1 outs 3 seperate times, but down to our last strike A. Allen hit a single and M. Semien sealed the game. Montas/Luzardo/Bassit were dynamic and our pen is the league's best. Our lineup might lead MLB in Ks, but we're second in BBs. Just before sweeping the cheats R. Laureano, worth 1 bWAR, got his 2nd HBP of the day. We lead the league in those. After jawing at the RP, he arrived at 1st base. Their batting coach, a human dirtbag, taunted our mvp into a brawl even if it was he worked for a club shamed by scandals and a HS JV quality bullpen. 12-4
4 Braves 0 Roller-coaster week for the Braves. We lost our ace for the season. We got Markakis back and Will Smith made his debut. Acuña quadrupled his homer total in one day and Freeman continues to hit. Still looking good for us, but we definitely need to make a move. Our bullpen is incredible, but this meme made by u/riseupidemic sums it up: Our bullpen is doing big things, but... 11-6
5 Twins -2 We capped off a six game winning streak with a 4 game losing streak. Some were pretty flukey, but we really need the bats to wake up. Also, having three starters on the IL isn't ideal. 10-6
6 Cubs 0 The Cubs played well against the Royals, and then the Cardinals series was postponed. With no evidence that any Cardinals players actually went to a casino or broke protocol more than any other team, I believe that fans making moral judgments against the Cardinals are wrong. Perhaps we shouldn't blame teams for getting a deadly disease during a global pandemic; getting the coronavirus is not a moral indictment. Let's be better fans and better people as the world is falling apart. 10-3
7 Indians +2 The Tribe pitching continues to dazzle - the rotation has put up a quality start in all but two games, one of which was 5.2 shutout innings. Meanwhile the bullpen has a sub-1 ERA if you take away a single nightmare outing by Brad Hand. The less said about the batting order the better, but there's no way they can rank dead last in BA and SLG all year, right guys? G-g-guys? 10-7
8 Rockies +6 The Rockies have the 2nd best run differential in baseball going into Sunday's games due in large part to their starting pitching. Their offense has been middle of the pack so far but that's with Nolan Arenado hitting about as poor as we've ever seen from him. Charlie Blackmon is the early favorite for NL MVP as he racks up a .446/.475/.679 slash. Last week: 5-2. This week: 3 vs AZ & 3 vs Texas. 11-4
9 Rays -1 A return to Dome Sweet Dome is what the Rays needed to right the ship, splitting the sox and winning a tight series with the Yankees. The bats still need to come around, you would think it'd be hard to stay ice cold in Florida and all. The most inspiring things for Rays fans this week were the retunr of Austin Meadows and having a non-Zunino catcher not only bat, but also get the clutch walkoff to send the Yanks home. Let us all pray Charlie Morton is ok and flap on. 8-8
10 Padres +1 The Pads scored every one of their fourteen runs in the Arizona series by way of the long ball. We got to see Luis Pattiño in some relief after being called up, and saw Hos return to action. Fernando Tatis Jr. is very good at baseball. This week we started against the Dodgers, then played the D’Backs, while looking ahead we play the Dodgers, then have a series against the D’Backs… 9-7
11 Astros -6 Our pitching is, for the most part, bad. Seriously, almost our entire bullpen is comprised of AA and A rookies with a handful of MLB appearances under their belt. When the pitching is not bad, our offense is bad and we can't provide enough run support. I've seen enough extra inning games this season. Hard to feel confident in the team right now, but hopefully the beginning of a homestand will turn things around. 6-9
12 White Sox +1 Eloy getting tangled in the left field netting is going to be on lowlight reels for a long time and his 0-20 slide makes it worse. Thankfully, we're looking at a 4 day weekend with the Cards series in doubt. If you told the fanbase in the spring we would be 8-8 after 16 games, most would be happy. A week of the offense averaging 2.5 runs makes 8-8 feel a lot worse. On the plus side, Giolito has looked like an ace again and Moncada is on a 20 game on base streak. 8-8
13 Brewers -1 Props to BeHereNow91 for stealing my lead in about Yelich this past week, short version Yelich is rocking a 1.400 OPS this week. A few other key players have been getting some really interesting BABIP stats. Hiura with his .333 BABIP and only .250 AVG and Gyorko with the .375 BABIP/.250 AVG split. 6-7
14 Reds +2 It’s a special kind of hell having the best rotation in the entire league and the worst bullpen in the entire league. Yesterday’s loss was a microcosm of the season: leading 2-1 going into the 6th inning and trailing 9-2 by the end of the 7th. Michael Lorenzen has surrendered 10 earned runs in 5.1 innings while the combination of Gray, Bauer, Disco, and Mahle have allowed the same number in 64.1 innings. If you remove Tejay Antone’s stellar mopup job against Chicago, the Reds’ bullpen has an unfathomably bad 8.32 ERA. In other news, they’re batting .203 as a team and got shutout by the Indians two nights in a row. 7-9
15 Nationals -5 The Nats did not respond well coming out of their break. They have played poorly against AL East power-team, the Baltmiore Orioles, and have not given a lot of reason for hope. However, Sean Doolittle is a national treasure and it is completely unacceptable to harass a human on Twitter for poor sports performance. If you logged into your account and tweeted or DM'd Doo, you should be ashamed of yourself and turn in your World Series gear because you don't deserve it. 4-7
16 Mets +4 This was an interesting week. Just when you think the Mets are in freefall they come back, and go 4-2, including taking 2 of 3 from "The Best Team in the League" (technically, at the time) Miami Marlins. On top of that Conforto is swinging a hot bat, the team has scored a couple of actual runs, and deGrom even got a win (two in a row!). However, Alonso is quickly turning into Adam Dunn with a better (at times) glove, and the bullpen is still shaky despite Jared Hughes being the bright spot nobody saw coming. Well, what's see what this next week brings... together :) #GiménezNLROY2020 7-9
17 Phillies 0 The Phillies didn't have all that bad of a week all things considered. After a week long break, they split a series with the Yankees and went 1-2 against the Braves. Harper and Realmuto have looked great, and the introduction of Spencer Howard a better (?) Arrieta means the Phillies might just have a servicable rotation. The bullpen is a different story. If they can somehow put together a not terrible bullpen, they should have a shot at the playoffs and maybe some more. 4-6
18 Marlins +9 What this team has been able to do with a bunch of replacement players is a testament to the coaching staff Miami has. Primarily, the bullpen. We may have even found a couple diamonds in the rough. That being said, replacement batters havent fared as well. After some initial success, solid Mets pitching has shown that the lineup sorely misses Ramirez, Rojas, Cooper and Alfaro at the plate. Once our guys come back from covid, this team should be able to finish out tough games like yesterdays. Wouldnt be a surprised to see them finish at or slightly above .500 this season. We got Blue jays and Braves this week. 7-3
19 Tigers +6 Don't look now, but Detrot is one half game off the lead for the AL Central, making these boys rather tough to rank. If the Tigers can continue to be competitive, look to find Casey Mize getting the call sooner rather than later to help shore up the back end of the rotation. This week: 3 vs. CWS, 2 vs STL (although this is unlikely), and 3 vs. CLE. 8-5
20 Orioles +4 It's week 4 and the Orioles are at .500. A miracle if you ask me. They get swept by the Marlins (probably to avoid COVID) and then should have swept the Nats. Can anyone explain to me why the Yankees got a rain shortened win earlier this year and the Orioles have their game suspended? Weird... 7-7
21 Angels -3 Sometimes, a single play captures a season perfectly. 5-11
22 Rangers 0 Wear a mask. Wash your hads. Started the weekend with the worst record in the AL, now 2nd place in the AL West with a playoff spot after a sweep of the Angels and still 2 games below .500. That's the Rangers way. 6-8
23 Blue Jays -7 The Buffalo Blue Jays are finally going home! The first MLB game at Sahlen field will take place on Tuesday, and the migratory birds will be able to settle in. Hopfully it will lead to the bats waking up. The Jays have been the 5th worst hitting team in baseball by wRC+, posting a pitiful line of .218/.277/.366. Good thing the pitching has been good. 5-8
24 Giants -3 7-10
25 Red Sox -2 Decent week for the Sox this time around. Our pitching staff came to play for once, however with impeccable timing the offense decided to disappear for a bit, leaving us with a respectable 3-2 record for the week. Of note is Verdugo, who had a standout game against Toronto with 2 HRs as well as robbing one from off of none other than Former-Red-Sock Travis Shaw. Calling it now, Verdugo 2022 AL MVP 6-9
26 D-Backs -6 D-backs continue to underperform their talent level as their streaky offense can't buoy a terrible, no-good pitching staff. MadBum hasn't looked like himself all year and is currently being evaluated for back issues in Phoenix, while Ray is as frustrating as ever. Zac Gallen and Merrill Kelly have looked legitimately fantastic, but it's hard to get by on two good starting pitching performances a week. 6-10
27 Royals +1 A winning streak and a sweep of the Twins? Really? That just happened? While Brad Keller helps the rotation, and getting rid of Jorge Lopez helps any pitching staff, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This is still a rebulding team, and while the sudden show of competence is nice, the Royals are not suddenly going to contend for the postseason. Unless Lopez was that fucking useless... 7-10
28 Mariners -2 Justus Sheffield claimed his first career win this past week. Another bright light in a ridiculous season. Once baseball returns for real, the Mariners should be a force to reckon with as the new guys are looking fantastic. Evan White's glove is a beautiful thing. 6-11
29 Pirates 0 D̷̥̗̬͇͕̗͕̙̱̪̄̈́̆̃̔̂͆̍̆̒̓͛̑͝ȩ̶̣̞̣̻͈̲̰͉̰̪̏͛̅̅̈́͑̉̅̓̌̊͒͠͠a̵̡̡̙͚̭͕̳͕̖͔̫̪̘̐̓̿ͅr̸̡̧̢̙̞̤͙͍̭͕̦͙͈̀̍͋͋͜ͅ ̴̡̗̲̗͍̣̞̝̤̜̱̑͆͊͂͂̽̋̒̾͘̕͜T̴͈̝̥͚͂͘̚ẁ̶̢͎̱͈̳̘̜̙͆͐̈́͂͐̈́̔͊̂̕͠i̷̩̩̹̫̫̾́͌́̿͂̑͐͋͝͝n̶̡̧̠̘̝̟͔̩̫̩͈̰̍̔̽̈́̈́̕̚s̸͔̖̈́̈̇̐͘̚ͅ ̷̛͓͙̙͇͔̯̻̟͓̣̫͖͖͈͗̍̂͂͌̔̈́̽͊̐͋͒̇̕ͅǎ̴̢͎̪͇̬͔̻̼̯̀̀̋͂ͅn̵̳̩̰̠̱̳̯͕͊̔͐̿͛̇̊́̄͂͝d̵̡̹͓̣̺̪̦̺̗͊̈́͌̃̈́̆ͅ ̴̡̗̮̤̣͙̗̰̗̊͂͊̑̍͊̒̀̚͝T̵͇͍̯̄̑̈͛͗̉̅͂i̷̩̱̇̈́̈́g̴̡̧̣͈̪͉̹͈̞̺̜͖͕͇͋͐͒̿̚͝ͅe̷̮͊̌̈̃̔̂̇̊͌͘͜͝r̶̨̛̛̭̺͉͎͍̘̗͊̎̀͗͛̍͌́͊̉͒s̴̫̭͍͉̠̰̙̍̈́̋̕͝:̴̡̨͚̭̥͉͖͎͍̪͖͙͚̝͓̀̈́͂̄̌̾̒̂ ̶̨̢̢̫̱͉̣̥͈̈́T̸̡̧̢̩̖̼͈̮̙̟̬̹͕̈́̈̎͗͘͝h̵̢̥̳̣͔̜͈̝͎͎́̎̂̊́a̸̧̻̝̪̝͎̙̟͕̬̾͐̌̎̕ṅ̸̛͇̲̻͍̦͙̏̓͊̉̀͆̓̽̓̿̕k̵͍̳̰͉͑̑̊͌̆̃͒̚͠͝ ̶̛̱̮͈̙͖̫̉́͛̔̄͒̾͐͐̀̏͝ͅy̷̧̛̻̬͉̤̥͔̩̼̲͊̂̅͜ͅo̵͇̬͔̣̼̰̟̐̑͒̽͒̐̀̕̕ͅṷ̶̧̧̢̬̳͕̙̖̺̫̹̮̤̪̈́̌͂̒̔̽̉͂̅̇̕ ̶͇̻͓̱̘͔͚̙͙̟̉̋́̽͑̈́͌ͅͅf̵̛̮̈́͗͛̔̉̕͝ó̸̢̞̲͕̫̳͈͙͙̎̀̕͜͜ŕ̶̨͉̞̠̠̤̳̯̻̱̬̩̻̽̇̄̀̒̈͊̈͛͊ ̵̧̢̙̝͎͚̙̩̺̥̙̱̝̈͛̒̅̓̎͠ͅh̵̯̄̍͊e̷͍̗̞̬̪̣͙̦͇̲̓̈́̾̀̃̑́̽̀͌̀̍̚͝ͅl̵͈͖̰̭͐̂͑͝͠p̵̠͌͌̇͗̅į̷̨̡̱̻̭̮͖͗͐͗́͜͠ͅn̸̢̨̛̟̯̫̦̰̻̘̠̻̗̯g̸̢̥̯͊́̅͗̈́̉̇̿̈́͝ ̵̛̜̮̮̲̝͊́̀̄̈́̏̑͒͘͠t̴̤̥̓̐̾̄ḩ̴͖̼̞͔̱̦͎̞͆̇̋͆́͛́̓͘͝͝ė̷̛̥̠̏͌̎͗̀͒̃̓́̚͠ ̵̧͍̦͖̯͛̊̽͛͆̅͂̔̒́̇̿͘P̴̝̭̬̬̣̿̾͒̈́͌́̈í̵̡̭̠͈̦͕͕͓͚̲̓͋̎̈́͊̈̊̍̇͗͒̉͘͝t̶̢̨̡̩͚̖͇͍͍̥͈̀̒̀́̒͊̐̎͝t̶͍̪͚̻̭͍̩̼̮̰̺͌ş̵̨̠̮̱͔̪͕̜͎̻̳̱̆̇̈́̄͝͝͠b̸̡̮̝̯̗̥͋̓̾̃̈́u̵̳͂͌̈́͛̽̀̈́̾͝͝r̴͇̲̟̓̃̿͌̇̍̈͘͝͠ǧ̴̝̯̲̙̠̜̲̱͋͌h̷̢̢̡̛̬̹͈̠̰̼̼̭̤̹͂̑͗̂̌̈́̇͘͝ ̶̱̪̝̦̭̮͙̮̬͊P̸̢̤͈̰̠̟̹͕̐͂̋̃̌͌̓͝͠í̸̢͚̟͇̣̏̾̌ŗ̵̲͙͓͇͖̝̳̻̖̔̑̂̏̂̕͝ä̵͕̱̤̝̥̪͇̮͙̖́̑͒̈́͐ț̴̢̛̛͉͈̪̙̜̖͍͔͉͂̃̓̈́͛͒̋̆̈́͜͜ͅe̶͈̠̔̄̈́̐͒s̵̜͙͖͉̪̝̘̼̏̇̋̃͋̏͗̍̍͊̓͊̕̕ ̴̨̯̯̭̻͚͈̜̯̺̤̗̂͊͂̊̂̓̾̆̔͑̌̈́̕͝ồ̵̡̨̝̬͈̮̲̲̥́̽̆͂̅̓̽̄̈́̕̚͠͝ͅn̶̲͉͍̞̍̀̓̌̿͆͂̅̄̀̀̃͠͝ͅ ̷̳͖̭̤͓̹̞͚͉̥͔̟̱̣̍̂̽͜t̸̨̥̣̪͚̘̻͔̳̠̲̦̺̰͐̀̿̂͌̅͝ḥ̶̛͍͙̗͎̪̬̱̰̙̄͛̌͋̋ẻ̶͍̦͖̥͎͆́́͂̈́̚ͅḯ̸̢̜̖̖͍̭̙̱̙̘̫̙̂͑̀͒̓ͅr̷̼̯̗̙̞̼̄̈́ ̶̡̨̳͔̦̂̾̈͑͝͝ͅq̴̡̛̙͕̺̗̪̜͇͉͕̱̟̩̊͌̈́̐́̔͐̓͌́͛̈̏͝u̴̡̥͓͍̭̿̀̆̃̃̎̓̽̓͊̓͝͠ę̷͓̗͈͚͙̒̎͌͘̕s̶̡̝̮͚̜̣͚͇̖̭͖̓̈́̃̔͊̿͗̓̚̕ͅͅt̸̻̝̜̺̺̳͍̜͎̹͖̔̎̏̓̃̇̀̀̏̚̚ ̴̧̳̱̣̯͓̗̞̰̻̆͂̆̍̂͑̀͐̃̈̌͋̾͆͜f̵̣̻̝̹̖̱͍̂̽ơ̴̡̛͖̝̮͕̜̞̣̤̩̜̦̜̑̅̉͒̿̋̆̉͠r̸̨̙̹͚̰̣͓͐͆̋͆̓͂̆̃̓̃͂͛̌̿̃ ̸̢̨̙͓̱̫̯͉͙̘̙͙̻͇͆K̶͉̲̞̪̮̜̤͉͉̗̖̿̆́̂̀̄̍́͑ͅͅų̴̜͇͕͔̲̺̭͍̩͗̾̉̊̀̊̆̚ṃ̵̧̡̢̣̞̮͇͓̱̥̹̒̈ͅͅą̵͖̞̖̼̣̠̤̥̪͚͋͌̀̽̋͝r̵̢͚̬̺̍͒̂̒̽̏͝ͅ ̸̮̀̄̐̀͊̿̋͂͌̆̈̕͝R̷̡̨̬͚͙̫̻̱͍̬̭̅̿͒͋͒́̿̇̆̕ǫ̵̨̖̗̳͍̹͉̤̘̯̣͕͊̔̈̍̏͋̊͐̅͛͝ͅc̶͖̪̙̣̲̤̖͚̠̹̖̳̞͙̏̅̐͜ḵ̷̢̨̘̙̹͕̠̙͍̳͙̠͙͒͒̅̒ͅe̸̢̻̦̮̻͌̉̄̉̀̎̇́̇̽̑̓͂ŗ̴̗͙̲̝̱̠̭͙͕̮̯̱͠ 3-13
N/A, Quarantined Rank: 17||Cardinals|-2| 5 games lul |2-3
submitted by kasutori_Jack to baseball [link] [comments]

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223 has finally arrived, and what a release it is – there’s definitely something for everyone! Starting with some of the more esoteric additions, Linus Åkesson’s AVR-based hardware chiptune project and Power Ninja Action Challenge demos are now supported. These demos use minimal hardware to generate sound and/or video, relying on precise CPU timings to work. With this release, every hand-held LCD game from Nintendo’s Game & Watch and related lines is supported in MAME, with Donkey Kong Hockey bringing up the rear. Also of note is the Bassmate Computer fishing aid, made by Nintendo and marketed by Telko and other companies, which is clearly based on the dual-screen Game & Watch design. The steady stream of TV games hasn’t stopped, with a number of French releases from Conny/VideoJet among this month’s batch.
For the first time ever, games running on the Barcrest MPU4 video system are emulated well enough to be playable. Titles that are now working include several games based on the popular British TV game show The Crystal Maze, Adders and Ladders, The Mating Game, and Prize Tetris. In a clear win for MAME’s modular architecture, the breakthrough came through the discovery of a significant flaw in our Motorola MC6840 Programmable Timer Module emulation that was causing issues for the Fairlight CMI IIx synthesiser. In the same manner, the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator is now working, thanks to improvements made to Intel 4004 CPU emulation that came out of emulating the INTELLEC 4 development system and the prototype 4004-based controller board for Flicker pinball. The Busicom 141-PF is historically significant, being the first application of Intel’s first microprocessor.
Fans of classic vector arcade games are in for a treat this month. Former project coordinator Aaron Giles has contributed netlist-based sound emulation for thirteen Cinematronics vector games: Space War, Barrier, Star Hawk, Speed Freak, Star Castle, War of the Worlds, Sundance, Tail Gunner, Rip Off, Armor Attack, Warrior, Solar Quest and Boxing Bugs. This resolves long-standing issues with the previous simulation based on playing recorded samples. Colin Howell has also refined the sound emulation for Midway’s 280-ZZZAP and Gun Fight.
V.Smile joystick inputs are now working for all dumped cartridges, and with fixes for ROM bank selection the V.Smile Motion software is also usable. The accelerometer-based V.Smile Motion controller is not emulated, but the software can all be used with the standard V.Smile joystick controller. Another pair of systems with inputs that now work is the original Macintosh (128K/512K/512Ke) and Macintosh Plus. These systems’ keyboards are now fully emulated, including the separate numeric keypad available for the original Macintosh, the Macintosh Plus keyboard with integrated numeric keypad, and a few European ISO layout keyboards for the original Macintosh. There are still some emulation issues, but you can play Beyond Dark Castle with MAME’s Macintosh Plus emulation again.
In other home computer emulation news, MAME’s SAM Coupé driver now supports a number of peripherals that connect to the rear expansion port, a software list containing IRIX hard disk installations for SGI MIPS workstations has been added, and tape loading now works for the Specialist system (a DIY computer designed in the USSR).
Of course, there’s far more to enjoy, and you can read all about it in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page. (For brevity, promoted V.Smile software list entries and new Barcrest MPU4 clones made up from existing dumps have been omitted here.)

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Merged pull requests

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Nintendo - Games & Consoles, PlayStation - Games & Consoles; Xbox - Games & Consoles; New swap items at the top of the list [W] Trials of Mana (Switch), PS Vita Slim OEM Hard Case, Castlevania GBA Games

Bundles take priority. I'd love to get rid of this stuff.
New Stuff
Picked up a PSP lot that I'm pretty excited about, includes the following:
Title Condition Notes
Console PSP 3000 Used Tested & working. I've ordered a new battery & battery cover for it, they should be here Monday/Tuesday next week. Doesn't include a memory card, luckily Amazon sells adapters for MicroSD for cheap though.
3rd Birthday, The - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Little Big Planet - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Lord of Arcana - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Nintendo Switch
Title Condition Notes
Collar X Malice NIB New in plastic
Enter the Gungeon CIB Like-new
Penny Punching Princess CIB Like-new
Nintendo (3)DS
Title Condition Notes
Console Clear DS Lite Refurbished The top hinge broke on the original black & blue housing, as they're wont to do, so I put it in a new one altogether. I think the aesthetic is cool. It was the cheapest one I could find that's stateside on ebay, so it's not top quality, but it works. Comes with OEM charger, clear GBA slot cover and clear stylus as well. Pics here.
Console Black DS Lite Used Nice overall condition, bottom screen has some scratches that I've tried to capture in the pictures. Comes with OEM charger. Pics
Console Zelda Edition DS Lite Refurbished Nice overall condition, the top hinge was cracked so I had to replace the top housing, but everything else is original. I'll include the original top housing if you want it, too. Pics
Console Black DS Lite Used Excellent overall condition. Tested & working. Doesn't have the GBA slot cover, but does include a stylus and aftermarket charger.
Console Parts DS Lite FPNW This is a bag of leftovers from a couple of housing swaps. Bad top casings, cracked top LCD, broken power slider. Surprisingly, the other things all work great on one of them. Lots of decent parts to harvest. Battery, cartridge reader, metal hinge, bottom housing, bottom screen, etc. Pics. I also have the housing and buttons leftover from the other one I shell-swapped, it's black & blue. Ok condition overall.
Console Black DSi Used Nice condition, has CFW installed.
Action Replay Max DS Loose No cable included
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders/Monster Trucks Mayhem CIB Dual-pack
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker NIB New in plastic
Detective Pikachu CIB Like-new
Goosebumps: Horrorland CIB Nice condition
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Loose Tested & working
New Super Mario Bros CIB Nice condition Pics
Nintendogs: Best Friends Loose Tested & working
Orcs & Elves CIB Nice condition
Professor Layton and the Curious Village CIB Nice condition
Professor Layton and the Last Specter CIB Nice condition
Scribblenauts Loose Tested & working
Spyro: The Eternal Night Loose Tested & working
Transformers: Autobots Loose Tested & working
Warioware D.I.Y. Loose Tested & working
Yoshi's Island DS Loose Poor condition but tested & working. Looks like a dog got to it at some point.
Nintendo Gamecube
Title Condition Notes
Accessory Action Replay Loose No disc or cable
Accessory OEM GameCube Controller Loose Silver back, black front. I replaced the analog stick because the previous one broke. Tested it and it works well now.
Animal Crossing Includes Player's Choice case & manual Manual is in poor condition with what looks like watehumidity damage and notes written in the back "notes" section. Disc is tested & working. Pics
Extreme-G 3 CIB Nice condition Pics
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Case & disc only Tested & working Pics
Nintendo 64
Title Condition Notes
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Loose Case-swapped with a gray cartridge, the other was completely busted. I'll include it if you want it. Original label has been glued on to this one. Pics for reference are toward the end of this album.
Title Condition Notes
Mario All Stars + Super Mario World Loose Top of label has a couple of peeled off parts, like someone took a fingernail to it at some point. Pics
Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Game Boy
Title Condition Notes
Castlevania Adventure, The Loose Some tearing on the label. I can get pictures if needed. Tested & working.
Finding Nemo Loose Tested & working
Game & Watch Gallery 2 Includes cart, box, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pac Man Special Color Edition Includes cart, box, manual, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pokémon Emerald CIB Hard trade. Includes poster. I also soldered in a new battery so it’s working great. Label isn’t 10/10, but most people are probably after the box and inserts anyway. Only looking to swap this toward similarly valued items. Pics are in this album
Pokémon Pinball Loose Missing battery cover
Pokemon Red Loose Good condition with some label wear. Battery holds a save.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Loose Tested & working
Power Rangers: Wild Force Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Land Loose No label.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tetris Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tom & Jerry: The Magic Ring Loose Tested & working
Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 Loose Tested & working
Game Boy Carrying Cases Accessory I have a bunch of these. If you're interested, I can grab pics.
Title Condition Notes
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Loose Tested & working
Big Bird's Hide & Speak Loose Tested & working
CONFLICT Loose Tested & working
Demon Sword Loose Tested & working
Fester's Quest Loose Tested & working
Ikari Warriors Loose Tested & working
Kid Kool Loose Tested & working
NARC Loose Tested & working
NES Play Action Football Loose Tested & working
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game Loose Tested & working
Top Gun: Second Mission Loose Tested & working
WCW Wrestling Loose Tested & working
PlayStation PS4, PS3
Title Condition Notes
2 DualShock 3 controllers – Black and camo – PS3 Accessory Both OEM, both work great.
Killzone 3 Rifle Peripheral - PS3/4 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Eye Camera - PS3 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Controller - PS3/4 Accessory I have 1 of these available, no strap.
Just Dance 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
MLB The Show '16 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Resident Evil 2 – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Rocksmith (no guitar included) – PS3 CIB Tested & working
The Outer Worlds – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '12 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted - Drake's Fortune – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Playstation Portable, Vita
Title Condition Notes
Console PSP 3000 Used Tested & working. I've ordered a new battery & battery cover for it, they should be here Monday/Tuesday next week. Doesn't include a memory card, luckily Amazon sells adapters for MicroSD for cheap though.
3rd Birthday, The - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Blazing Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Coded Arms – PSP CIB Nice condition
Darkstalkers Chronicle – PSP Loose Tested & working
Disgaea Infinite – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Chains of Olympus – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Hard Rock Casino – PSP CIB Nice condition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Madden '06 – PSP Loose Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PSP CIB Tested & working
Midnight Club 3 – PSP CIB Nice condition
Little Big Planet - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Lord of Arcana - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Spectral Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Wild Arms XF – PSP Loose Tested & working
Worms: Open Warfare – PSP CIB Nice condition
Persona 4 Golden - Vita Loose Tested & working
Title Condition Notes
Console Sega Genesis - Model 2 Loose Console only. Tested & works great. I've cleaned it up so it's in really nice condition. Pics
Xbox One, 360, OG
Title Condition Price
Console Xbox 360 E Console Great shape. Tested & working. Includes (all OEM) power brick, one wireless controller (includes battery cover), and A/V cable. Pics
OEM Wireless Controllers - 360 Accessory I have 4 spares, 3 black and 1 white, as well as a couple of charging cradles & rechargeable battery packs. Missing the actual battery covers, though.
Rock Candy Wired Controller - 360 Accessory Comes with the USB breakaway cable but it's kind of janky.
Microsoft Kinect - XBO Accessory Model 1520 for Xbox One
Speed Wheel - 360 Accessory Tested & working.
Gibson Xplorer - 360 Accessory Tested & working. Comes with stickers pre-installed and a shoulder strap.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Burnout 3: Takedown - 360 CIB Tested & working
Call of Duty 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chromehounds - 360 CIB Tested & working
Disney Pixar Cars - 360 CIB Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Skyrim - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman/Pure Dual Pack - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman (same dual pack as above, but doesn't include Pure) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - 360 CIB Tested & working
Madden 09 - OG CIB Tested & working
Madden 11 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 360 CIB Tested & working
Minecraft - 360 Disc only Tested & working
MotoGP - 360 CIB Tested & working
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 2005 - OG CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 06 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NCAA Football 09 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Skate 3 - 360 Disc Only Tested & working
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - 360 CIB Tested & working
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 360 CIB Tested & working
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Triple Play 2002 - OG CIB Tested & working
Walking Dead, The: Survival Instinct - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Zoo Tycoon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Trials of Mana (Switch)
Borderlands Legendary Collection (Switch)
Low-value Pokemon cards - preferably ones kids have beaten up to some extent. My 5-year old is into them now and couldn't care less about condition, he just likes them a lot. I've realized I've completely missed the boat on these when it comes to valuation, I'm going to hold off on trading for any until I can get better acquainted.
Original hard case for PS Vita Slim - my kid broke the hinge on mine and the Amazon replacement is... not good.
Castlevania (GBA) - Looking for all 4 games: NES, Aria of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Circle of the Moon. Double pack would be great, too.
Mega Man Battle Network games: Network Transmission (NGC), MMBN 2 (GBA), Battle Chip Challenge (GBA), MMBN 4 : Blue Moon (GBA), MMBN 5: Team ProtoMan & Team Colonel(GBA) & Double Team DS (NDS), MMBN 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA)
Dreamcast OEM Memory Card, Quality Games (Sonic Adventure 2, Skies of Arcadia, etc.)
Pokemon: SoulSilver (Bix box & cardboard tray only, already have the game & case. The Pokewalker & its' manual would be a plus, but not a requirement)
NES/SNES/N64/GameCube/Switch Offers Note: I currently have most first-party/major release Switch games. Feel free to still offer, though. No interest in Amiibo or Amiibo Cards.
submitted by ebudd08 to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Nintendo - Games & Consoles, PlayStation - Games & Consoles; Xbox - Games & Accessories; Dreamcast - Games & Accessories; New swap items at the top of the list [W] Borderlands Collection (Switch), Mega Man Battle Network Games

Bundles take priority. I'd love to get rid of this stuff.
New Stuff
I picked up a really nice Dreamcast haul last week after I posted, I'm going to post it again in this section just in case there were any early lookers that didn't see it after I added. I'm also adding a CIB (no big box or Pokewalker) copy of Pokemon SoulSilver, in great shape. It's my old copy after I upgraded from a trade this past week, so it's authentic and has been taken great care of.
Sega Dreamcast
Title Condition Notes
OEM White controller Accessory Tested & working
Intec Purple Controller Accessory Tested, works fine
Buzz Lightyear: Star Command Disc only Tested & working
Centipede Disc only Tested & working
Chicken Run CIB Great shape
Crazy Taxi CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX CIB Great shape
Disney's Dinosaur CIB Cracked case edge
Jeremy McGrath Supercross Disc only Tested & working
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB Great shape
Quake III Arena CIB Great shape
Resident Evil: CODE Veronica Discs & aftermarket cases Tested & working
San Francisco Rush CIB Great shape
Sega Bass Fishing CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1 Disc & case, cracked front lid Tested & working
Sno-Cross Championship Racing CIB Great shape
Super Runabout: SF Edition CIB Great shape
Tomb Raider Chronicles CIB Great shape
Vigilante 8: Second Offense CIB Great shape
Virtua Fighter 3tb Disc & aftermarket case only Tested & working
WWE Royal Rumble CIB Great shape
Nintendo (3)DS
Title Condition Notes
Console Black DS Lite Used Nice overall condition, bottom screen has some scratches that I've tried to capture in the pictures. Comes with OEM charger. Pics
Console Black DS Lite Used Excellent overall condition. Tested & working. Doesn't have the GBA slot cover, but does include a stylus and aftermarket charger.
Console Zelda Edition DS Lite Refurbished Nice overall condition, the top hinge was cracked so I had to replace the top housing, but everything else is original. I'll include the original top housing if you want it, too. Pics
Console Parts DS Lite FPNW This is a bag of leftovers from a couple of housing swaps. Bad top casings, cracked top LCD, broken power slider. Surprisingly, the other things all work great on one of them. Lots of decent parts to harvest. Battery, cartridge reader, metal hinge, bottom housing, bottom screen, etc. Pics. I also have the housing and buttons leftover from the other one I shell-swapped, it's black & blue. Ok condition overall.
Console Black DSi Used Nice condition, has CFW installed.
Action Replay Max DS Loose No cable included
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders/Monster Trucks Mayhem CIB Dual-pack
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker NIB New in plastic
Detective Pikachu CIB Like-new
Goosebumps: Horrorland CIB Nice condition
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Loose Tested & working
New Super Mario Bros CIB Nice condition Pics
Nintendogs: Best Friends Loose Tested & working
Orcs & Elves CIB Nice condition
Pokemon SoulSilver CIB Great shape. Plastic case, inserts, cartridge included -- no outer big box or Pokewalker.
Scribblenauts Loose Tested & working
Spyro: The Eternal Night Loose Tested & working
Transformers: Autobots Loose Tested & working
Warioware D.I.Y. Loose Tested & working
Yoshi's Island DS Loose Poor condition but tested & working. Looks like a dog got to it at some point.
Nintendo Gamecube
Title Condition Notes
Accessory Action Replay Loose No disc or cable
Animal Crossing Includes Player's Choice case & manual Manual is in poor condition with what looks like watehumidity damage and notes written in the back "notes" section. Disc is tested & working. Pics
Extreme-G 3 CIB Nice condition Pics
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Case & disc only Tested & working Pics
Nintendo 64
Title Condition Notes
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Loose Case-swapped with a gray cartridge, the other was completely busted. I'll include it if you want it. Original label has been glued on to this one. Pics for reference are toward the end of this album.
Title Condition Notes
Mario All Stars + Super Mario World Loose Top of label has a couple of peeled off parts, like someone took a fingernail to it at some point. Pics
Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Game Boy
Title Condition Notes
Castlevania Adventure, The Loose Some tearing on the label. I can get pictures if needed. Tested & working.
Finding Nemo Loose Tested & working
Game & Watch Gallery 2 Includes cart, box, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pac Man Special Color Edition Includes cart, box, manual, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pokémon Emerald CIB Hard trade. Includes poster. I also soldered in a new battery so it’s working great. Label isn’t 10/10, but most people are probably after the box and inserts anyway. Only looking to swap this toward similarly valued items. Pics are in this album
Pokémon Pinball Loose Missing battery cover
Pokemon Red Loose Good condition with some label wear. Battery holds a save.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Loose Tested & working
Power Rangers: Wild Force Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Land Loose No label.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tetris Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tom & Jerry: The Magic Ring Loose Tested & working
Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 Loose Tested & working
Game Boy Carrying Cases Accessory I have a bunch of these. If you're interested, I can grab pics.
Title Condition Notes
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Loose Tested & working
Big Bird's Hide & Speak Loose Tested & working
CONFLICT Loose Tested & working
Demon Sword Loose Tested & working
Fester's Quest Loose Tested & working
Ikari Warriors Loose Tested & working
Kid Kool Loose Tested & working
NARC Loose Tested & working
NES Play Action Football Loose Tested & working
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game Loose Tested & working
Top Gun: Second Mission Loose Tested & working
WCW Wrestling Loose Tested & working
PlayStation PS4, PS3
Title Condition Notes
2 DualShock 3 controllers – Black and camo – PS3 Accessory Both OEM, both work great.
Killzone 3 Rifle Peripheral - PS3/4 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Eye Camera - PS3 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Controller - PS3/4 Accessory I have 1 of these available, no strap.
Just Dance 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
MLB The Show '16 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Resident Evil 2 – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Rocksmith (no guitar included) – PS3 CIB Tested & working
The Outer Worlds – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '12 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted - Drake's Fortune – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Playstation Portable, Vita
Title Condition Notes
Console PSP 3000 Used Tested & working. Now it has a new battery as well as battery cover on the back. It also includes a Sony M2 Duo adapter, and a 4GB M2 card. The screen has some scuffs on the left side, not visible while playing but they're definitely there. Also includes an aftermarket charger.
3rd Birthday, The - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Blazing Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Coded Arms – PSP CIB Nice condition
Darkstalkers Chronicle – PSP Loose Tested & working
Disgaea Infinite – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Chains of Olympus – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Hard Rock Casino – PSP CIB Nice condition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Madden '06 – PSP Loose Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PSP CIB Tested & working
Midnight Club 3 – PSP CIB Nice condition
Little Big Planet - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Lord of Arcana - PSP UMD & Case only Tested & working, very nice condition.
Spectral Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Wild Arms XF – PSP Loose Tested & working
Worms: Open Warfare – PSP CIB Nice condition
Persona 4 Golden - Vita Loose Tested & working
SEGA Genesis
Title Condition Notes
Console Sega Genesis - Model 2 Loose Console only. Tested & works great. I've cleaned it up so it's in really nice condition. Pics
SEGA Dreamcast
Title Condition Notes
OEM White controller Accessory Tested & working
Intec Purple Controller Accessory Tested, works fine
Buzz Lightyear: Star Command Disc only Tested & working
Centipede Disc only Tested & working
Chicken Run CIB Great shape
Crazy Taxi CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX CIB Great shape
Disney's Dinosaur CIB Cracked case edge
Jeremy McGrath Supercross Disc only Tested & working
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB Great shape
Quake III Arena CIB Great shape
Resident Evil: CODE Veronica Discs & aftermarket cases Tested & working
San Francisco Rush CIB Great shape
Sega Bass Fishing CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1 Disc & case, cracked front lid Tested & working
Sno-Cross Championship Racing CIB Great shape
Super Runabout: SF Edition CIB Great shape
Tomb Raider Chronicles CIB Great shape
Vigilante 8: Second Offense CIB Great shape
Virtua Fighter 3tb Disc & aftermarket case only Tested & working
WWE Royal Rumble CIB Great shape
Xbox One, 360, OG
Title Condition Price
OEM Wireless Controllers - 360 Accessory I have 4 spares, 3 black and 1 white, as well as a couple of charging cradles & rechargeable battery packs. Missing the actual battery covers, though.
Rock Candy Wired Controller - 360 Accessory Comes with the USB breakaway cable but it's kind of janky.
Microsoft Kinect - XBO Accessory Model 1520 for Xbox One
Speed Wheel - 360 Accessory Tested & working.
Gibson Xplorer - 360 Accessory Tested & working. Comes with stickers pre-installed and a shoulder strap.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Burnout 3: Takedown - 360 CIB Tested & working
Call of Duty 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chromehounds - 360 CIB Tested & working
Disney Pixar Cars - 360 CIB Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Skyrim - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman/Pure Dual Pack - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman (same dual pack as above, but doesn't include Pure) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - 360 CIB Tested & working
Madden 09 - OG CIB Tested & working
Madden 11 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 360 CIB Tested & working
Minecraft - 360 Disc only Tested & working
MotoGP - 360 CIB Tested & working
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 2005 - OG CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 06 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NCAA Football 09 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Skate 3 - 360 Disc Only Tested & working
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - 360 CIB Tested & working
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 360 CIB Tested & working
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Triple Play 2002 - OG CIB Tested & working
Walking Dead, The: Survival Instinct - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Zoo Tycoon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Trials of Mana (Switch)
Borderlands Legendary Collection (Switch)
Original hard case for PS Vita Slim - my kid broke the hinge on mine and the Amazon replacement is... not good.
Castlevania (GBA) - Looking for all 4 games: NES, Aria of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Circle of the Moon. Double pack would be great, too.
Mega Man Battle Network games: Network Transmission (NGC), MMBN 2 (GBA), Battle Chip Challenge (GBA), MMBN 4 : Blue Moon (GBA), MMBN 5: Team ProtoMan & Team Colonel(GBA) & Double Team DS (NDS), MMBN 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA)
Dreamcast OEM Memory Card, Quality Games (Sonic Adventure 2, Skies of Arcadia, etc.)
Pokemon: SoulSilver (Bix box & cardboard tray only, already have the game & case. The Pokewalker & its' manual would be a plus, but not a requirement)
NES/SNES/N64/GameCube/Switch Offers Note: I currently have most first-party/major release Switch games. Feel free to still offer, though. No interest in Amiibo or Amiibo Cards.
submitted by ebudd08 to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Nintendo - Games & Consoles, PlayStation - Games & Consoles; Xbox - Games & Accessories; Dreamcast - Games & Accessories; New swap items at the top of the list [W] Borderlands Collection (Switch), Mega Man Battle Network Games

Bundles take priority. I'd love to get rid of this stuff.
New Stuff
Going to throw some newer high-value items up - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout (Switch - sealed), Ys VIII (Switch, Adventurer's Edition, case & cart only), Super Mario Bros. 35 Collectible Pin Set Series 1 (Sealed). I'd be looking for value-for-value trades for these. My value will come off of recent ebay sales and pricecharting.
Nintendo (3)DS
Title Condition Notes
Console Black DS Lite Used Nice overall condition, bottom screen has some scratches that I've tried to capture in the pictures. Comes with OEM charger. Pics
Console Black DS Lite Used Excellent overall condition. Tested & working. Doesn't have the GBA slot cover, but does include a stylus and aftermarket charger.
Console Zelda Edition DS Lite Refurbished Nice overall condition, the top hinge was cracked so I had to replace the top housing, but everything else is original. I'll include the original top housing if you want it, too. Pics
Console Parts DS Lite FPNW This is a bag of leftovers from a couple of housing swaps. Bad top casings, cracked top LCD, broken power slider. Surprisingly, the other things all work great on one of them. Lots of decent parts to harvest. Battery, cartridge reader, metal hinge, bottom housing, bottom screen, etc. Pics. I also have the housing and buttons leftover from the other one I shell-swapped, it's black & blue. Ok condition overall.
Console Black DSi Used Nice condition, has CFW installed.
Action Replay Max DS Loose No cable included
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders/Monster Trucks Mayhem CIB Dual-pack
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker NIB New in plastic
Detective Pikachu CIB Like-new
Goosebumps: Horrorland CIB Nice condition
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Loose Tested & working
New Super Mario Bros CIB Nice condition Pics
Nintendogs: Best Friends Loose Tested & working
Orcs & Elves CIB Nice condition
Scribblenauts Loose Tested & working
Spyro: The Eternal Night Loose Tested & working
Transformers: Autobots Loose Tested & working
Warioware D.I.Y. Loose Tested & working
Yoshi's Island DS Loose Poor condition but tested & working. Looks like a dog got to it at some point.
Nintendo Gamecube
Title Condition Notes
Accessory Action Replay Loose No disc or cable
Animal Crossing Includes Player's Choice case & manual Manual is in poor condition with what looks like watehumidity damage and notes written in the back "notes" section. Disc is tested & working. Pics Pending out
Extreme-G 3 CIB Nice condition Pics
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Case & disc only Tested & working Pics
Nintendo 64
Title Condition Notes
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Loose Case-swapped with a gray cartridge, the other was completely busted. I'll include it if you want it. Original label has been glued on to this one. Pics for reference are toward the end of this album.
Title Condition Notes
Mario All Stars + Super Mario World Loose Top of label has a couple of peeled off parts, like someone took a fingernail to it at some point. Pics
Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Game Boy
Title Condition Notes
Castlevania Adventure, The Loose Some tearing on the label. I can get pictures if needed. Tested & working.
Finding Nemo Loose Tested & working
Game & Watch Gallery 2 Includes cart, box, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color) Pending out
Pac Man Special Color Edition Includes cart, box, manual, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pokémon Emerald CIB Hard trade. Includes poster. I also soldered in a new battery so it’s working great. Label isn’t 10/10, but most people are probably after the box and inserts anyway. Only looking to swap this toward similarly valued items. Pics are in this album
Pokémon Pinball Loose Missing battery cover
Pokemon Red Loose Good condition with some label wear. Battery holds a save.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Loose Tested & working
Power Rangers: Wild Force Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Land Loose No label.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tetris Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tom & Jerry: The Magic Ring Loose Tested & working
Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 Loose Tested & working
Game Boy Carrying Cases Accessory I have a bunch of these. If you're interested, I can grab pics.
Title Condition Notes
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Loose Tested & working
Big Bird's Hide & Speak Loose Tested & working
CONFLICT Loose Tested & working
Demon Sword Loose Tested & working
Fester's Quest Loose Tested & working
Ikari Warriors Loose Tested & working
Kid Kool Loose Tested & working
NARC Loose Tested & working
NES Play Action Football Loose Tested & working
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game Loose Tested & working
Top Gun: Second Mission Loose Tested & working
WCW Wrestling Loose Tested & working
PlayStation PS4, PS3
Title Condition Notes
2 DualShock 3 controllers – Black and camo – PS3 Accessory Both OEM, both work great.
Killzone 3 Rifle Peripheral - PS3/4 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Eye Camera - PS3 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Controller - PS3/4 Accessory I have 1 of these available, no strap.
Just Dance 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Killzone 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
MLB The Show '16 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Resident Evil 2 – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Rocksmith (no guitar included) – PS3 CIB Tested & working
The Outer Worlds – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '12 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted - Drake's Fortune – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Playstation Portable, Vita
Title Condition Notes
Console PSP 3000 Used Tested & working. Now it has a new battery as well as battery cover on the back. It also includes a Sony M2 Duo adapter, and a 4GB M2 card. The screen has some scuffs on the left side, not visible while playing but they're definitely there. Also includes an aftermarket charger.
3rd Birthday, The - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Blazing Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Coded Arms – PSP CIB Nice condition
Darkstalkers Chronicle – PSP Loose Tested & working
Disgaea Infinite – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Chains of Olympus – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Hard Rock Casino – PSP CIB Nice condition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Madden '06 – PSP Loose Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PSP CIB Tested & working
Midnight Club 3 – PSP CIB Nice condition
Little Big Planet - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Lord of Arcana - PSP UMD & Case only Tested & working, very nice condition.
Spectral Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Wild Arms XF – PSP Loose Tested & working
Worms: Open Warfare – PSP CIB Nice condition
Persona 4 Golden - Vita Loose Tested & working
SEGA Genesis
Title Condition Notes
Console Sega Genesis - Model 2 Loose Console only. Tested & works great. I've cleaned it up so it's in really nice condition. Pics
SEGA Dreamcast
Title Condition Notes
OEM White controller Accessory Tested & working
Intec Purple Controller Accessory Tested, works fine
Buzz Lightyear: Star Command Disc only Tested & working
Centipede Disc only Tested & working
Chicken Run CIB Great shape
Crazy Taxi CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars) Pending out
Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX CIB Great shape
Disney's Dinosaur CIB Cracked case edge
Jeremy McGrath Supercross Disc only Tested & working
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB Great shape
Quake III Arena CIB Great shape
Resident Evil: CODE Veronica Discs & aftermarket cases Tested & working
San Francisco Rush CIB Great shape
Sega Bass Fishing CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1 Disc & case, cracked front lid Tested & working
Sno-Cross Championship Racing CIB Great shape
Super Runabout: SF Edition CIB Great shape
Tomb Raider Chronicles CIB Great shape
Vigilante 8: Second Offense CIB Great shape
Virtua Fighter 3tb Disc & aftermarket case only Tested & working
WWE Royal Rumble CIB Great shape
Xbox One, 360, OG
Title Condition Price
OEM Wireless Controllers - 360 Accessory I have 4 spares, 3 black and 1 white, as well as a couple of charging cradles & rechargeable battery packs. Missing the actual battery covers, though.
Rock Candy Wired Controller - 360 Accessory Comes with the USB breakaway cable but it's kind of janky.
Microsoft Kinect - XBO Accessory Model 1520 for Xbox One
Speed Wheel - 360 Accessory Tested & working.
Gibson Xplorer - 360 Accessory Tested & working. Comes with stickers pre-installed and a shoulder strap.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Burnout 3: Takedown - 360 CIB Tested & working
Call of Duty 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chromehounds - 360 CIB Tested & working
Disney Pixar Cars - 360 CIB Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Skyrim - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman/Pure Dual Pack - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman (same dual pack as above, but doesn't include Pure) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - 360 CIB Tested & working
Madden 09 - OG CIB Tested & working
Madden 11 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 360 CIB Tested & working
Minecraft - 360 Disc only Tested & working
MotoGP - 360 CIB Tested & working
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 2005 - OG CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 06 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NCAA Football 09 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Skate 3 - 360 Disc Only Tested & working
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - 360 CIB Tested & working
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 360 CIB Tested & working
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Triple Play 2002 - OG CIB Tested & working
Walking Dead, The: Survival Instinct - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Zoo Tycoon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chrono Trigger (SNES) - I have my childhood cart already, but I'd be interesting in picking up the box & all the inserts if you have them
Trials of Mana (Switch)
Borderlands Legendary Collection (Switch)
Original hard case for PS Vita Slim - my kid broke the hinge on mine and the Amazon replacement is... not good.
Castlevania (GBA) - Looking for all 4 games: NES, Aria of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Circle of the Moon. Double pack would be great, too.
Mega Man Battle Network games: Network Transmission (NGC), MMBN 2 (GBA), Battle Chip Challenge (GBA), MMBN 4 : Blue Moon (GBA), MMBN 5: Team ProtoMan & Team Colonel(GBA) & Double Team DS (NDS), MMBN 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA)
Dreamcast OEM Memory Card, Quality Games (Sonic Adventure 2, Skies of Arcadia, etc.)
Pokemon: SoulSilver (Bix box & cardboard tray only, already have the game & case. The Pokewalker & its' manual would be a plus, but not a requirement)
NES/SNES/N64/GameCube/Switch Offers Note: I currently have most first-party/major release Switch games. Feel free to still offer, though. No interest in Amiibo or Amiibo Cards.
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